Benefits and uses of paving blocks

The existence of paving blocks can replace asphalt and concrete slabs, with
it has many advantages. Paving blocks have many uses
including bus terminals, car parks, pedestrians, city parks, and
playground. The use of paving blocks has several advantages, including:
other :
- Can be mass produced.
- Can be applied to road construction without the need
special expertise.
- Under normal loading conditions paving blocks can be used as long as
service life and paving blocks are not easily damaged.
- Paving blocks are easier to lay and can be used immediately without
must wait for hardening as in concrete.
- Does not cause noise and dust disturbance when working on it.
- Paving blocks generate less construction waste in comparison
use of concrete slabs.
- The presence of pores in paving blocks minimizes surface runoff and
increase infiltration into the soil.
- Pavement with paving blocks is able to degrade hydrocarbons and
withstand heavy metals.
- Paving blocks have a unique aesthetic value, especially if they are designed properly
beautiful patterns and colors.
- Comparison of the price is lower than the type of pavement
another conventional.
- Easy installation and low maintenance costs.

Paving block quality requirements
Paving blocks for floors must meet the requirements of SNI 03-0691-1996
are as follows :
- The appearance of paving blocks for floors must have the same shape
perfect, no cracks and defects, corners and ribs
not easy to peel with the strength of the fingers.
- The shape and size of the paving block for the floor depends on the approval
between users and producers. Each manufacturer provides a written explanation
in a leaflet regarding the shape, size, and construction of paving installations
blocks for floors.